Rescued by Terry with his four wheel pick up truck ( Vori carrying Christmas loot)
The trip to my friend’s house is normally a twelve hour drive with ample stops. The trip in the snow storm took over 17 hours. The last hundred miles took over 4 hours. Getting off the highway we got stuck in the snow and after a couple of hours we got the car unstuck and to a holding place until the snow cleared.
Final approach to Vange and Terry's retreat a few days after the storm
In this part of
One of the many horse pastures along the road
After a few days the limited number of snow plows managed to clear the main road and we got the car up on the plateau but still miles from the house. Following on the ruts of other cars we got as far as the entry to my friends house still a mile from their front door. Eventually we got the car there. Meanwhile we had been enjoying great food and drink each night with warm fireplaces raging.
Regardless, we were in some of the most beautiful country and clear skies you can imagine. Maybe, living in cities has made us forget how wonderful the country is with its beautiful lanes, vistas, and sunsets. The night sky was amongst the most beautiful I have ever seen with so many stars that it looked strangely unfamiliar. If you don't already live there, find yourself a little spot of country and see what you can discover: you will be amazed!
It looks beautiful!